Tuesday, 6 March 2018

March already?

6th March, 2018
March started with a cold blast!
The garden seriously suffered last week as did we! The subzero temperatures couldn’t have come at worse time as our build is midway so we were enclosed but without insulation or plaster on the new bit. And the kitchen was pulled out so we are using the bath for a lot of our washing, both crockery and clothes! But the plasterers came in on Friday as the Letchworth snow was disappearing and finished on Saturday. Our kitchen comes next week...
It’s also been World Book Day and my daughters dressed up for the occasion, one with the blue wig as shown. But the pic also shows the extent of the LGC snow. I called it a bubble for a reason, we weren’t sent the extremes of the rest of the UK.
And then today I was asked to help at a garden for NGS which is opening on the 17th March, so I am hoping to get some pics for the blog and the lowdown from the homeowners (I am soooo excited!) about how it feels to let people in to see your bulbs? Last year they had over 800 visitors.

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