Thursday, 26 April 2018

Spring colours

Cherry trees all the way to school...


Beautiful blossoms
Tulips are my favourites...
...and I love a deep purple.

Lucky snap!
25th April 2018
Spring has sprung!
Peony roses in bud
It only took a couple of days but all of a sudden the garden is a riot of colour. This garden has the potential to be colourful all year round and I came home from a glass mosaic class with strawberry plants to add to my planters. I've got hostas growing and protected by my slug pellets. Purple tulips of darkest hues and blue forget-me-nots. Dandelions are still my annoyance but I am inside decorating the kitchen with vibrant yellow tiles where I can't see them...
And my walk to school is a joy with blossom and flowers. There are benefits to living in a Garden City... a neighbour was telling me they even had certain streets which were planted with specific trees which was something I didn't know. Some research is needed, methinks?
But I'll have to store these pictures and memories as I've just been asked back to the Breast clinic this afternoon. I was going to wait until June. I was going to be patient...

My least favourite yellow flower...
Pink primulas

These red tulips look like poppies.

All different colours of cowslips...
Flowering rosemary

Quince flowers? Its a bush hidden by another bush...


Our paint job is needing a touchup

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