We found a fungus in the woodpile! |
Piles of stuff – we must declutter! |
7th October 2018
Shed Clearouts!
Table top we found behind the shed. |
Logs going into the woodpile. |

I have mentioned how many ramshackle sheds we inherited when we moved here, but my least favourite has always been my garden tools shed which leaks and grows things inside. Well I entered it trepidatiously today while other half was building the log pile. And it was all the things I feared and more...
Turned over it became a shed floor... |
Some reading... |
I found all sorts of animal behaviour exhibited within and lots of my gardening gloves chewed to within an inch of their lives. I pulled out the rotting carpet and discovered rotting hardboard beneath. I recycled a plastic table top from behind the book shed and used it as a new flatter floor. I am not going to get my dream shed anytime soon, so needs must. I pulled it all out and have found some missing secateurs, going a tad rusty in some cases, but it shows I have always been putting them away but whatever has been living in our shed – definitely something rodent like but possibly badger or rat like judging by the pellets, pile of snail shells, and chewed bags of garden fertilisers – has been making a meal out of whatever I have stored in there.
Some things haven't been returned to the shed yet – I see this job taking tomorrow too – but we have a lot of spare plant pots and I can consider making some new planted pots for areas of the garden. I bought some seeds which could be put into the greenhouse...
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