Sunday, 7 May 2017

Overgrown and abundant already!

Gooseberries growing...
Strange seed buds on the rhubarb? My dad grew it but I have never seen this...
Lovely yellow roses.
White roses.

Aquelegia and alliums in the herb garden.

Adding another clematis and a purple buddleia...

May 7th, 2017
Feeling poorly but gardening helps...I woke this morning with a streaming cold and wasn't facing the day with enthusiasm. However an hour outside, cleared the snuffles and I have another bit planted and tidied up while putting more weeds in the brown bin. 

It's little by little that's helping me here, as the garden isn't small and I have to deal with it in manageable chunks. I have some things going on that perplex me - I haven't seen rhubarb do this? And other things that excite me - I have gooseberries appearing. We have mixed rhubarb and gooseberries and made delicious crumble and pie. I am not sure what to do with Angelica (also sprouting) or the flowers on the chives.

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