May 1, 2017
Planting between showers!
Ok, April just ended but today was an example of the kind of weather typically described as April Showers, and it was a day when I jumped around trying to do bits around other activities, including a housewarming party! A few of my purchases at Knebworth and before now have a place, but I must remember to get the snail/slug pellets out before my hostas are severely munched. I find snails under the dandelions remember? Well, I put temptation their way when I planted my hostas out front...
Painting the borders of her garden... |
I've dug up some edges of the front grass to extend the beds with the
sambucus Black Lace, the lovely peach
phormium, the
perovskia Blue Spire and a white
buddleia. Now some of those are small versions and others (3 hostas from Knebworth) are huge, and the calla lily tubers are under the soil at the moment.
The bright colours of the newly painted shed make the plants 'pop'. |
However, I love seeing some of the things I planted last year coming up and I can't wait for them to flower. Buds have appeared which look suspiciously like the alliums which I love, and buds are opening on the monster rose bushes. Anemones that were planted are also coming up between the dying daffodils so I am hopeful that new colour is going to be current again soon. There are deep red peony buds and wallflowers, too.
The first roses to flower, which I think are like the ones I remember as 'Peace'. |
Wallflowers planted in Scotland and added by granny. |
I am nibbling away at my woolly grass to add little areas for new planting and I haven't even attempted to draw a garden plan yet! I will just have to wait and see whether a June birthday will see me getting a software garden design package, garden seating, luxury plants for the garden, concrete slabs or a new lawnmower... watch this heavily hinted space?!? Unfortunately, the list keeps getting longer...
Knebworth purchases put into an area nibbled off the front grass. |
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