Sunday, 18 June 2017

Shuttleworth Collection

17th June, 2017
Peacock Party
We took a little trip to the Swiss gardens of the Shuttleworth Collection at Old Warden Aerodrome, which is next to Biggleswade. All manner of aircraft were lined up for a display tonight but we were plant-spotting and dodging the peacocks. It was a really lovely afternoon and we were able to try out the new camera to show what is there.

Glass roof of the Fernery

Fernery off the grotto

The Chapel

One of 3 peacocks

Fernery dome from below

Plants I used to grow before I had small babies...
I could plant them again now!

Peacock trying to get in the Swiss Cottage


1 comment:

  1. Hottest weekend of the year so far, and I read somewhere it was the highest June temperatures in 167 years! *any error in that is mine*
