Saturday, 17 June 2017

New gadget!

Gardening Gadgets BullBarrow
I have used this ergonomically designed hand rake already. I do find it useful and will be looking to get more of the gadgets. The guys on this stand also helped me get my camera to the right setting again. Richard Perry of BullBarrow told me that he designed the tools to help his parent with tools that didn't hurt when used by someone with arthritis. Their products are available online at the moment as they haven't been taken up by a major retailer. Someone is missing a trick?
When I got home from the fair I found some more birthday plants waiting for me. My mum had sent me some little chocolate cosmos plants by post and they arrived as tiny plugs through the letterbox. I used the rake and the plants were in the border in minutes. Modern twenty-first-century world!
Modelled by Jacqui!

At home

Digging in some Cosmos

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