Thursday, 29 March 2018

March mumblings...

19th March 2018
Let's make some changes?
It's interesting to see my blog stats in retrospect, and work out what make for my most viewed posts. I didn't set out to make this one thing or another, and it is always interesting to know what things people are looking for, and what things they'd find useful. A fellow MS blogger said she was looking for information about paths and seats. Last year I wrote about furniture I'd seen at the Knebworth Garden Show and a company which designed sensory gardens for children with special needs. I have been told that my eldest child may have Aspergers so I will be looking to see what would be good in our garden for those needs.
The gardens each daughter built last year have had mixed success but were overtaken by couch grass before the snow hit. We haven't had the lawnmower out yet this year as the intermittent snow has hit each time I thought about it. I've planted extra bulbs but I don't know if the minus temperatures this month will have had any effect on those developing plants.
The necessity for a soakaway for the new extension we built on the house has seen the removal of the barbecue so we have to look at developing a new barbecue area and new hard standing areas for tables, which are currently sitting on the grass.
I think one of the cheapest ways to do this is to purchase a ton bag of gravel from a builders merchant? But too small aggregate will entice local cats to use it as a litter tray. Too big and if the ground is at all uneven, the large pieces will never settle.

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