Monday, 9 July 2018

My 100th Post!!!

My 100th Post!

Have you made it this far with me? I seriously don't write these blogs on a regular basis or with a money making scheme in my mind (I could populate the blog with adverts): and sometimes I have lots to discuss and lots of it has to do with avoidance techniques and current preoccupations. I wish I could give you garden progress in regular bursts but life has thrown lots of hiccups in my direction this year.
I had planned to do a drawing of my garden when I started my blog but it has fallen by the wayside... but I watched an interview with Piet Oudolf the other night, and he does drawings in such an organic way, I realised I don't really have to do anything more technical than tracing paper and pen.
M y budget hasn’t increased in three years as without a regular job or a plan to increase my income, we can’t afford to spend very much at all. As it is despite drooling over friends’ dramatic voyages and holidays, I am not going to be having two weeks’ holiday anytime soon. A significant anniversary comes up next year so maybe 2019 is going to be better in all sorts of ways? I’m going to keep my eyes on recycling websites for things to make landscaping interventions and hope that those posts come up at points when we can move quickly on them, and enlist help from friends.
But for the moment, we are navigating over building rubble and perching the furniture we have on the grass. Twenty-first century problems and dilemmas...I shall aim to make light of the overgrown areas, one day, and enjoy the space we do have, in as humble a way as we can. I enter lots of draws or posts by gardening companies to see if we can enlist some help with the bigger plan but it’s like raffles and tombola, I never win. Maybe one day... but first I’ll write my book...

MS is not being benevolent to me at the moment. It takes on a kind of MonSter on my shoulder, hitting me with insomnia in clusters and keeping me from doing things as in this unprecedented heat my energy is so low: and in preop mode, my vitamins had to be discontinued so Vitamin D is being absorbed in small sunbathes (not exposing anything of my trunk) and we are probably not eating enough vegetables to get Magnesium and B vitamins...
Our garden still has 4 sheds, 2 of them becoming more decrepit by the minute and they are all storing random things. I have tried selling stuff, in a number of different ways, but am now going to give to charities and friends. Stuff we don’t need and can’t use needs to be disposed of before we end up hurting ourselves or stuff descends on us from on high. Which ironically happened in the dark last night...
I am off to my oldest’s school play after lunch which leads me on to... I am going to use my new greenhouse for propagating and get some things into the plan!
I shall illustrate with some of my favourite pictures from my 100 blogs as well as some moments from the last few days. May your grass turn green again soon x

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