Sunday, 23 April 2017

Weeds, weeds, good for the heart!

23 April, 2017
Something always needing purged in either front or back gardens of this house...

Another April Sunday afternoon, and I kid you not, the damned dandelions are still taunting me! I pick these yellow perils and discover slimy snails hiding underneath the leaves or find the pendants of Mares Tail sprouting through the dying daffodils... Now that really is a terror in this front garden. I wish that I could compost these weeds but I fear putting them into a compost heap just establishes them even more but the green waste bin is only collected fortnightly and I can fill it easily in a few days.
There doesn't seem to be much we can do but grab each Mare's Tail spear as it shows and pull! I just hope they don't start appearing through the mossy grass (which isn't being cut because the lawnmower's cord was severed the last time I used it!) which also needs scarifying to keep the moss under control. Another job to fob off on the kids???
An incredibly invasive weed is Mare's Tail which has green spires. It's incredibly invasive...

Cutting out extra moss

Front grass is getting longer and hiding the moss. According to local rules, we should keep 50% of the front as grass. It's hard to keep under control while the lawn mower is broken... 

It's also been the time of year when Tick warnings start to appear, which can be the cause of Lyme Disease, a close MS-type disease. And I was bitten by a HUGE tick the summer I came back from the States when I also had lots of chigger or chagga bites when sitting on the grass in Kansas (I didn't follow the yellow bricks...). Oh, there are lots of things to contemplate while gardening these days!
Spot the fake flowers?
I was also featured on the MS Trust website to promote National Gardening Week and if I can work out how to post the link I will add it here but its called 
Gardening and MS: 'Gardening helps me to unwind'

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