Monday, 30 April 2018

Being but not seeing...

May 2018
Does that make sense?

My allium bulbs purchased at Gardener's
World last year are promising to open soon.
I often found
Deep purple flowers caught my daughter's eye.

Acers need a sheltered spot away from the gales that our garden currently
has because the gates are not stopping the crosswinds.

French lavender is one of the bushes that
were flattened by scaffolding poles.
myself drifting in the last few days and not understanding why everyone is staring at me. But it's often because a question has been asked of me and they're waiting for my response. I'm having vacant moments. It doesn't feel like I am in the real world but I am going to have to snap out of it or I am going to miss what I said we are going to do: spend more time doing family things.
We went off to the garden centre on Sunday and I snapped some of my favourite colours/plants beyond the ones I keep mentioning...

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