Sunday, 29 April 2018

Nothing good...

Rosemary in blossom

29th April 2018
Life’s a b*tch sometimes?
I’ve spent the last couple of days getting my head around the hospital appointment I had on Thursday. I am not going to hold a pity party, I am just going to keep going as normal. It’s the only thing I can do and it’s the only thing my family will allow me to do. 

Thing is I’m not going to drop down dead tomorrow (unless I’m really unlucky...) but the diagnosis and recommendations are not easy to hear. The good news according to what I was told is that the biopsy discovered precancerous cells, but they’re contained, so not in random positions at the moment. The bad news I have to have another scan which will tell them whether to do a lumpectomy or a mastectomy. So you can see the jump here, it’s been caught early but I am still looking at getting bits of me cut off?
I will allow myself to digest that little bit of news and think of ways I can escape to the garden and shed a little self-pity. Hopefully, some of last years bulbs and plants will have a calming effect and it’s still a project to keep myself busy with. I’ve downsized some of my commitments so that I can focus on my health and family for now and I’ll keep posting the good bits of the garden. And my obsession with weeds is going to die down... bits of me are not currently desirable but hey ho! Life's a bowl of strawberries.

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