Sunday, 6 May 2018

Knebworth Garden Show

It's a hungry business, this garden fair...

K9 and Witches Hat made of sedums

Woolly garden.

Short back and sides.

6th May 2018
All the fun of the show!
I treated my husband, oldest daughter and her friend to the Garden Show while my smallest went to a party. We hit Knebworth just after 12 and trundled back and forward looking for unusual plants. I got sidetracked by bulbs again and bought some alliums and cannas. Also another slug product which gives the soil back its nitrates. I explained about my use of Slug Stoppa but he assured me this was another product worth trying. I didn’t see as many products for landscaping as I saw in Birmingham last year. Should I try to get back to that? Our budget for travel this year has disappeared after our kitchen work was finished... And let’s just see how my appointment at the QE2 goes on Thursday?
I had a rest when we got back but seems I am being beaten to it by the smallest of my daughters who have watered all my hostas. We lawnmowered and strimmered a lot of the overgrown areas until the battery died, so I am waiting for a recharge before cutting the rest. Think we are going to struggle to rebuild the compost heap without the purchase of a new composter - which was part of the plan...

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