Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Mayday meanders

14th May 2018 
Anniversaries: Third year in? 
We have officially lived in Letchworth for 3 years. And boy, they have been full. 
I’m into my twelfth year of MS diagnosis with all the disruption that can bring and am now five days into my diagnosis of precancerous tumour on my right breast. And that has filled me with more fear, anguish and uncertainty than an incurable condition has. Crikey, I am absolutely terrified if I am going to continue being honest. Insomnia has hit several nights running and it’s currently 3 in the morning.
Relapse city is close - I can sense it. MS is unrelenting, I know that, but I continue to think I can slay the MonSter. Can I do the same with Tommy Tumour? (I don’t know if there is an acronym people use but Tommy is my name for now...) Tecfidera is my drug of choice these days and I don’t feel as anxious or cranky as I did on Rebif. I’ve asked the questions - has the Tec caused this? - come to think of it, has the seven years of Rebif? Or has another habit caused this invader? Again it’s a question I can ask but it’s unlikely I will ever know. So life goes on with unswayed optimism? Possibly a little bit shaken.
I set up this blog as a gardening blog, so I apologise if the last few months have taken a few detours from the primary goal, but life’s like that. We have found someone to fit some gates, and with the gift of blarney, I think he may help us to get rid of some of the rubbish too. Everybody knows each other in Letchworth and I think Michael knows Trevor our builder, and they run into each other at builders yards. (The ones we can’t find, which do great discounts to the Trade. I tried hard to find the cheapest gate supplier, but Michael is in the know...) Again this work in progress is showing promise. We may soon have a secure garden to Borrow A Doggy. Cody the Schnauzer may have a competitor in Jasmine the Greyhound!
Doo you see how full our life still is? Tommy or Alfie Asperger won’t take over, we won’t let them.

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