Thursday, 7 June 2018


7th June 2016
Flummoxed and grounded!
I had a biopsy yesterday. I took my 2 paracetamol in advance as instructed, but no-one can anticipate that the next day will be spent feeling like Anthony Joshua has used you as his practice punch bag for Olympic training! Seriously floored today, and wondering how I managed to also cope with small child needing emergency GP appointment when we returned from QE2 yesterday. I also called off Invigilating for the GCSE today as it would have been pretty distracting if your invigilator conked out?

The outshot of the extreme pummelling by the radiologist, using the ultrasound device I last saw during pregnancy, could be to be sent to Harrow for a specialist scan. I have a rather large cyst which currently is positioned over the ducts where the precancerous cells have been found. Harrow is one of only a handful of hospitals with this equipment. Who knew my diagnosis would see me being sent all over the local area?

I have enrolled my mother to come down and help next week to try and get some things sorted before I end up being sent for reconstructive surgery. Although given the discussions yesterday, I honestly don’t know if my surgeon is going to say anything different should now be considered when I see her on the 21st. The more complex the discussions, the more I need my other half to be present, as MS brain fog/cognitive difficulties are not the best brains to decipher my options when emotional lability takes over... Mum can also help me to make sure my birthday is not about all that technical medical jargon but is about improving my garden!

I also read an interesting piece in The Guardian by an oncologist who got breast cancer. Very honest to say that she has now developed empathy and an understanding of what it’s like on the patient side...
Allium Christophii hiding under the
one perennial I thought I had exterminated last summer....

lawn before trim

And it’s that I did some strimming and tidied up the front meadow. My strimmer will be light enough to use during recuperating I am sure! I filled the mowers collection box on one trim of the front... But allowing mares tail to take over? Never! I’ve chewed up a lot today in the mower. And I shall be down on my kneeler with snippers I promise.

NorthHerts has brought in a garden waste collection fee as I’ve mentioned, and I managed to add the cuttings to my overflowing compost bin. The area I cleared prior to my lump being diagnosed will have to be one of mum’s projects next week. Yes I have roped Grandma into a week of helping with the lure of birthday celebrations!
Heavily pruned last year
and we are rewarded by blossom!
I like it but i didn't plant it?
Or is it a penstemon seed from last summer?
dog rose?

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