Tuesday, 3 July 2018

July is going to stay hot?!?

3rd July 2018
Preop Ponderings

We are leaving World Cup qualifiers with some huge teams knocked out. I don’t follow football but I can understand the consternation. 
Nobody likes uncertainty and I am entering this month with trepidation, not for the uncertainty, but the actualisation of something I really didn’t see coming. My preop session was today. I was attached to the ECG, measured and weighed, checking my BMI and my heart rate and blood pressure (reassuringly still low), oh and swabbed to make sure I won’t bring any nasties into the hospital. At least three days in hospital in the middle of our unexpected heat wave, and six weeks of not driving and a slow recovery. Please somehow can we fast forward? Now I have thirteen days of anticipation and buildup of all manner of worst case scenarios in my already vivid imagination. I am watching new plants shrivel in the heat and I am wondering if I can put my inactivity to use and come up with something good? I won’t be digging much in the summer and my plants need protecting, and my weeds need annihilating before the wilderness takes over. 

I have to say I am lucky: I have somebody to look after me and make sure I get through this. My mum is coming down to help for a week so camping in the book shed! Maybe setting up the small tent?  And having lots of fire pit barbecues? But we’re busy till then as it’s end of term a few days after so lots of things happening...

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